Hi, I'm a Postdoctoral Scholar at Florida State University. Previously, I obtained my PhD in Social Sciences from California Institute of Technology and my MSc in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics with Distinction from London School of Economics and Political Science. You can find my CV here.
I work primarily on Elections and Political Methodology. My recent substantive works focus on the causal effects of various election reforms such as universal voting by mail and alternative ballot order. My recent methodological works focus on survey methods including respondent attention, sensitive questions, sampling and weighting, and open-ended questions.
My work involves designing and implementing large-scale surveys, as well as analyzing large datasets such as administrative records from states and counties and corpora of news articles. You can find my publications and working papers here.
I will be on the job market this fall. You can find me at SPSA, EPOVB, MPSA, ESRA, Polmeth, and APSA conferences this year.